My Thoughts on Brainspotting

I’ve been incorporating Brainspotting into my therapy sessions for almost 5 months now, and I wanted to share with you some thoughts on what my clients experience with this new type of therapy.  I wrote the blog An Introduction to Brainspotting which gives a brief overview, but I also wanted to talk more about the benefits I’ve seen my clients experience. This type of therapy can be used in addition to regular talk therapy. Some clients had one Brainspotting session, and then we go back to talk therapy to discuss things that came up in the Brainspotting session. Others have done several Brainspotting sessions with talk therapy mixed in. How we use this mode of therapy is up to the client.

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An Introduction To Brainspotting

I first heard about Brainspotting earlier this year, when another therapist colleague mentioned it.  After reading David Grand’s book Brainspotting: The Revolutionary New Therapy For Rapid and Effective Change, I was intrigued!  I attended the Phase 1 training in Maryland earlier this month, and am happy to be able to explain more about this type of therapy.  Here’s a brief overview to give you more information on this exciting new therapy that I am now able to offer as a Brainspotting Practitioner.

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